Just when we want Congress to make sweeping cuts we now find out about $105 billion in pre-approved spending hidden in Obamacare. Watch the latest release from Rightchange.com and be sure to contact your congressman. www.rightchange.com
23 thoughts on “105 Billion Dollar ObamaCare Secret.mov”
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Where’s Guy Fieri? 🙂
Apathy is killing the U.S.
How many ppl that watch this video will actually call/write/email or otherwise contact their congressman/woman or senator?
I’ve been doing so for several months prior to the last election and plan to do so again right now.
All this time and you people haven’t read the bill to find this money…you are the fools repubs…President Obama is one smart dude…..you can take this post and shove it up your ass..
its not affecting my healthcare . i dont have healthcare
This dirt bag Obama needs to be impeached
We all have healthcare. You can go to any county hospital and they cannot turn you away. I believe what you meant to say is that you don’t have health INSURANCE…
Do people REALLY believe this bullshit?? You REALLY think Michele Bachmann, of ALL people, could possibly “decipher” some coded $105 Billion hidden in the HC law that NO ONE ELSE was able to find out about until recently?? Bollocks
Bachmann’s full of it! She’s either doing this because she seriously has mental problems and is delusional (take your pills, michele), or she just loves the attention. A bill that SETS SOME SPENDING CANNOT possibly have “hidden” funding!
And even if it WERE “hidden” in the hc law, so WHAT! I’d rather that money go toward HC than bullshit like the 2 wars in the Middle East or corporate welfare. Or a HOST of bullshit conservatives love but does little to help this nation. And “give the money back”? TO WHOM?? Unless Michele means “give everyone a tax rebate for the money”, I’m not sure that’s a wise idea. Esp. if it’s giving it to war profiteers, walmart, and others who have enough money already.
My god… so many lies in this ad I don’ tknow where to start!
10,000+ new bureaucrats??? BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. That’s been debunked again and again, esp. if you mean IRS agents. Yes, I’m supposed to believe that to supposedly “enforce the individual mandate”, the IRS needs to hire 16,000 new employees? Yeah, right… If they can already deal with the CURRENT bloated tax code with the given employees, I fail to see why a single mandate would require thousands more. Idiots…
It seems Right Nation and “right change” are just more of the same- more bullshit, more lies and more dirty right-wing campaigning of the kind we’ve seen again and again. It’s NO DIFFERENT from Fox News and all those other joke organizations! They made it seem like Right Nation and Right Change were these radically new and better organizations. Jesus
Besides, shit like the “hidden spending” in “obamacare” has already been debunked at least once or twice by groups like politifact! Obama DID NOT get any “special money” to spend however he wants with this bill. That’s just ridiculous.
Besides, people whining about this probably DON’T EVEN KNOW what the actual bill entailed or did or how it helped millions of Americans afford HC and get access to it for probably the first time, esp. those with preexisting conditions!
You probably BELIEVE the lies about it being “socialism” and things like the public option (a fairly modest proposal to be quite honest) as “gov’t takeover of healthcare”, despite no evidence. Obviously the law is not perfect, and I’m not the biggest fan, but I’m not gonna just flat-out REJECT its positives because it has a few flaws here n there and fearmonger about its “deadly effects.” Yes… god forbid the federal gov’t HELPS people get the services they need, not give us more war.
You people think it’s A-OK to spend all that money on the military and defense (blowing shit up and bogus wars in the Mideast), but it’s “wrong” to spend money to help give people access to HEALTHCARE?? Your priorities sure are fucked. That’s all I can say. Or maybe you DON’T REALLY GIVE A FUCK about your fellow man in the end. You just wanna bitch and fight some phantom “socialism” that’s not being implemented anytime soon.
right… a bill designed to help REIN IN HC COSTS is gonna “kill the economy.” WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT! There’s NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of this. It’s all just ideological nonsense from tea party types. You know what else might ‘kill the economy’? Rising HC COSTS! Morons… When a president who happens to be a dem actually TRIES to rein in these costs, you do all you can to try to shut it down with lies and delusions, but when a guy like Bush totally ignores the problem for 8 YEARS… nothing
Let’s face it: If Obama hadn’t made HC reform a big issue, we probably would’ve just continued to IGNORE the problem and DO NOTHING as always! At least Obama TACKLED THE ISSUE, which is more than I can say for Bush and probably McCain if he got elected. Even IF the GOP had repealed this law, what next? WOULD they actually try to reform HC through their own alternatives? Or just continue to at like everything’s fine?
All Bush did were a few piecemeal measures like Medicare Part D.
“This is madness!”
“What is it, sir?”
“Another dumbass tea partier called my office and told me to oppose some hidden spending in the HC law”
“What??? Hidden spending? wtf are they talking about?”
“I dunno. It’s some stupid-ass rumor that Michele Bachmann keeps spreading.”
“Bachmann. Ugh. What a dumbass”
“Exactly. All she does is bitch about crap no one gives a shit about and/or is totally false and DOES NOT HELP her constitutents one iota with REAL ISSUES!”
“God help the 6th District.”
Is any of this really surprising….liberals are scumbags.They are on a mission to destroy the United States,they are doing a great job so far.We are in debt for 14.5 TRILLION dollars,they absolutely will not secure our borders….2012 can’t get here soon enough for me. BYE.BYE OBAMA!
If you are calling her a liar,you better has definitive proof….well,lets see it?
How about securing our fucking borders,how about we stop spending billions on illegal aliens,how about we stop giving money to nations that HATE US. That might save a couple bucks….just an idea ;/
0:46 “But we have to pass the bill so… you can find out what is in it.” – Nancy Pelosi
Is this woman for REAL?!?
Right now we need to be contacting our friends, family and others to get them to vote against Obama