to 16 Trillion dollars visualized, all properly scaled. Dimensions used: Money: Single Bill 0.066294m 0.155956m 0.00010922m (thickness of bill) 100 M…
47 thoughts on “National Debt: 16 trillion visualized (with short lecture to the irresponsible)”
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Exactly! Thanks for watching all those ideas discussed right? Responsible peoples inheritance isn’t dictated at all, it frees them to get huge chunks pre-parental death, so the parents can share in the good they bestow, and guide them while still alive! Gifts, and incomes from parents happen now, economy thrives for all, since it doesn’t pay to wait, nobody has to! Watch “Inheriting an Abundant Earth” (“Occupying Chairlifts” 5.0) then sign the petition, and share it!!
gov wont take any if you make arrangements, you give it all away to lots of different people and charitys, or gift more to anyone alive while you’re alive. It’s just a prompt to plan for your leftovers, and start enacting that plan within a couple years before minor new inheritance rule tweaks kick in.If you don’t choose to be socially engineered, you wont be!
love it!
hey, Thanks
WOAH there buddy, this is not my fault. I didn’t have the ability to vote until 2010.
alright :)
Short of moving to a different country, how can this be fixed? We don’t own the media.
Well a large part of it is teaching responsibility, it isn’t even left vs right, or democrat vs repulican vs libertarian. It is Responsible vs Irresponsible. Today our public education systems reinforce Irresponsible behavior. This has to be fixed. When people are responsible, they’ll vote in Responsible representatives. All that *I* can personally do is create more videos that will hopefully make people think
We actually have a $222 trillion debt if you count unfunded liabilities such as social security and medicare payments as corporations are required to do.
Great vid
Our gov is irresponsible. Rep and dems. They both suck
I agree,
I want all that money…..
yeaaaah, i’ve heard that, i’ve been debating to do something with that or not. .I do have another Money video rendering out, that’s more focused on spending rate (and gold), and I have some more planet videos coming out, I may incorporate the 222 trillion in a 3rd “money” video.
this is why i live in canada
All that money just sittin there :'( lol
VSauce showed me your channel, and I must say, keep making videos like this and the one with the planets at the distance of the moon from earth, and there will be another major learning channel on youtube!
Thank you very much, I am exactly working on videos like that (and some other things) this upcoming month is going to be exciting
What animation software do you use?
*subscribes* i feel like a learn something new with every video I watch from this channel. Bravo to the creator!
how much area would be covered if the bills were put side by side?
over 9000km²!!!!!
(i dont know, too lazy to open the calculator 😛 )
16,54231.53024 km^2 (give or take) 🙂
er Adjust the comma in that, it’s 1,654,231.53024 km^2 oops
My mind=BLOWN!
Please do so! I’d want to see how big $222 trillion is.
Dude if u keep doing thiz kind of videoz!!! omg ure channel iz gonna be great 🙂 !!!! GJ and GL
Fun fact. That gold cube worth $16 trillion is more than all the gold mined… ever…
Fact.. The moment the USA became a nation we were already in debt (millions), by the Civil War the debt was over a billion.
yes, thou the real horror started thou with Woodrow Wilson, The increase in the price of gold. and hence the devaluation of the dollar can be traced to his policies. The Looting began (Have begun?) with him and has continued ever since. It has finally snowballed into the horror that it is today. and we are “due”.
@yetipc1 The Tyrannosaurus Debt..
This is how Sweden will warp back to the 1600’s..
How id the US suppose to give so much money (if they have any intention to do it)?
Still wrong and I think I know the mistake you have made. To convert m^2 to km^2 you have to divide the number by 1,000,000 (1000^2) for it is two-dimensional.
Knowing the size of a 100-dollar-bill (157 × 66 mm according to Wikipedia) allows you to calculate that you could fill a total area of 1,658 km^2, enough to pave whole New York City with Benjamin Franklins portrait – twice – and still have 867 billion (5%) left to buy a huge cube of gold and toss it into the Hudson river.
Great video!
Oh you’re totally right,, this is why i get all my conversions set properly before doing any math
like every country that has defaulted on fiat currency,,. Print it UP and sell it off before people realize it’s worthless
Did you know:
If you placed $100 bills end on end in a straight line around the equator you could circle the Earth approx. 467 times to equal our National Debt of 16 trillion!
This is your fault
with ‘trillion’ you meant?
I’m english so don’t freakin blame me
alrighty :)
Nope its congress
Absolute masterpiece, thank you for this, thumbs up if v sauce brought you here
I can’t wait for that video.
Well spoken yetipc1!
* Impressive video creation *
“if a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be…. If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” — Thomas Jefferson, “1776”