Negatives of Obamacare http Obamacare passed the supreme court ruling of 5 votes to 4 basically meaning that Obamacare is going to be a real solution to our healthcare future and needs. This is bad because Obamacare is going to add $1 Trillion to our national debt of $16 Trillion. This is a huge addition to the debt and is just causing our future to be even more tainted. Through the individual mandates, this also forces you to purchase Obamacare which is unconstitutional. This goes against everything our founding fathers fought for basically destroying freedom and the Constitution as we know it. How can we stop this? Well we need to vote every possible liberty candidate into office to counteract the vote in the future. This is the only way to defeat this bill now helping our country to find its roots of freedom vs a futuristic socialist regime.

48 thoughts on “Negatives of Obamacare



  2. Chad M

    they hit us with one piece of legislation after another, you fight one, then you get another voted in. it’s pointless, they’re going to do whatever they want…


    they will not let people leave america they can deny you passport if feel like doing so many can not leave just like a communist country with walls

  4. pspcraft

    It’s a mess. If you opt-out from buying Health Insurance – you will be taxed, (formerly called a fine). If you don’t pay your tax, and have a job, your wages will be garnished, your house, (and contents), can be auctioned off, (remember Willie Nelson), you can have your passport revoked, AND ultimately thrown in prison for TAX EVASION. The IRS is in charge of this program and will hire 16,500 agents to enforce this tax – because Tax evasion is illegal in the U.S. We’re jacked.

  5. 2specvids

    I’m not a huge obama supporter but could you cite your source that obamacare will add trillions to our debt because from what i’ve heard that’s just GOP propaganda. Politifact debunked that a few days ago

    I also don’t think obamacare is really that bad. The “mandate” is really not any different than social security. You are paying money in to get a service out of it.

  6. soldier4prophesy

    Obama is the most job killing president in American history and I believe he’s doing it on purpose. The fact that he’s getting away with it just shows you what a bunch of gutless cowards Americans are becoming.


    this video is very informative for people who doesn’t know shit for Obamacare. Obamacare will flop, it’s like extortion on US citizens especially people who are poor. Look at Canada, Socialized healthcare you don’t have to wait for years to cure a cough anymore. I don’t think i ever heard a Canadian complain about his/her healthcare

  8. claradusk

    WRONG, yourself. The supreme court does not get to decide that, we the people do. Healthcare is a PRODUCT. The federal government cannot force me to buy a product, and then threaten me with a “tax” (which is not a tax because you are ‘taxing’ thin air). My source? Marbury vs Madison and Miranda vs Arizona

  9. americanbandwidth

    This is a gift, what happened is, the Commerce now has a cap. No more unlimited reach with it.
    The States are now free of Federal Blackmail for funds, The Federal Gov. was making the dates either take this program the state doesn’t want or lose funds in other areas.
    Obamacare is a Tax, the Democrats have to wear that. That is going to be very tough on both Willard and Barry. The real win here is that now, in the Senate the Republicans have 47, they only need 50 votes to repeal it and not 67.

  10. BlaineAmerica

    With the Obama care, minumum wage workers($7.15/hr) that don’t have health insurance but are in debt and have a hard time paying bills will also have to buy Health care or else pay the tax penalty. So! Before you think about how grate obama care is, think about how many people will suffer.

  11. myself249fyi

    If I stand still in one space and never interfere with any thing that is going on around me. Would I be taking away any of your rights or liberty’s. No, because I would be in active. Now the supreme court Has passed a law that in a sense penalizes you [taxes] for literally doing nothing at all. And yet some citizens are so confused that they know when their being bullied & robbed. Our debt is so large that all we could afford to pay on, is the interest that is the only true balance we can meet

  12. alcraig

    I don’t follow your reasoning. You seem to be saying Obamacare is Socialised healthcare, which works great in Canada but you don’t want it in the US.


    well sorry to confuse, i just read what i typed haha i was drinking. But i meant Canada has great healthcare, Obamacared isn’t sorry again.

  14. alcraig

    “Obama is the most job killing president in American history” Please explain how he is responsible for job losses. Surely the job losses are a result of the worldwide recession. US seems to be hit more as your wage rates are very high in comparrison to your competitors. US is still a huge economic powerhouse but it is much cheaper to have goods manufactured overseas. Maybe Americans are not gutless but realistic that there is little any president can do.

  15. alcraig

    But you should be arguing to scrap you current healthcare system which is rubbish. You currently pay per person 3 x the average OECD. There is no reason to pay any more, you are being fleece by the corporate insurance industry and all the criticism is directed at the 1 person who knows this needs to change.

  16. soldier4prophesy

    To start with, many employers have already stated that they are much less likely to hire because of the increased cost of providing healthcare for their employees and far more likely to lay people off. He gives a big speech about rebuilding our hi-ways and bridges then gives the work to Chinese companies who send THEIR workers over here to do the jobs. The rest just takes a little research and common sense.

  17. alcraig

    In other countries we see healthcare as an investment. You currently spend 3 x the average OECD on healthcare, which is ranked 37th in the world. Surely Obama addressing this is a good thing as it will force the cost of private healthcare down.
    Regarding the Chinese workers the facts are California turned down Federal funding so they could contract a Chinese company directly so that statement is incorrect. What could he possibly gain from destroying the US economy, it doesn’t make sense.

  18. soldier4prophesy

    Dude you’re from New Zealand. I’m not interested in your opinion of our health care system or who you want for our president.

  19. alcraig

    I’m not surprised because I have challenged you to back up your ignorant assertions. This is a public forum so if I read bullshit on any subject I will challenge it. It is clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.

  20. soldier4prophesy

    “alcraig ” Is somebody you might wanna ignore or block. He’s some asshole from New Zealand who wants to argue about who should be our president and what our health care should be like. I blocked him because first it’s none of his damned business and 2nd because he’s an idiot who don’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

  21. alcraig

    Yes I know I hurt your feelings by picking you up spreading bullshit about Obama contracting out infrastructure work to China. Attacking the person is a very common tactic of people who don’t hold lucid arguements. What will be clear to anybody reading our exchange is that I know more about the subject than you do.

  22. nate george

    claradusk is WRONG again. the supreme court did decide that. we the people elected the politicians who put the ACA in place.

    now stop freeloading and join society kid!!!

  23. claradusk

    Again? Have we met? O_o?

    Freeloading? Join society? KID?!

    Fuck you and your “society”, dude.

    There’s so many things wrong with your statement that I’m not even sure where to start. And if I even did try to explain them, you’d just fucking ignore me anyway, so what’s the point?

  24. nate george

    whats the point in you dropping the Fbomb.  i guess when conservatives get actually challenged with facts they resort to petty insults

    oh well. not unexpected.

  25. claradusk

    There doesn’t *have* to be a “point” in dropping the Fuckbomb. In my Constitutional Republic, commonly known as America, we have this thing called Free Speech. Amazing, isn’t it?

    I am not a conservative, nor a liberal. I absolutely hate labels, and do not claim one.

    I did not “insult” you, I said “fuck you”. In slang, “fuck you” is similar to “go away” or “go to hell”. Not really an insult.

    This reply is moot though, because you sound like a know-it-all. You’re going to ignore anything I say.

  26. claradusk

    “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

    No where in the Constitution does it say the Federal Government has the right to make me purchase anything, or enter into any kind of market. Therefore, the States, and the people, have that right. If the State wants to mandate car/life/health/renter’s/etc insurance, then that is the State’s right.

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