Two years of Obamacare. Senate Democrats promised it would lower costs, lower premiums, cover everyone, and protect Medicare. Instead? Twice the cost, higher premiums, 23 million people left out, and $500 billion cut from Medicare.
50 thoughts on “Obamacare Fact Check: Two Years Later”
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Take this obamacare crap and shove it up Nancy, harry and obama’s ass!!!!!
this is going down in a few days, can’t wait to see all the un American libs throwing their little hissy fits when it gets thrown in the trash. After that I predict nobama and his socialist fradulant un American regime starts to crumble. This crack smoking (he said it in his stupid book) collectivists is going to be vetted this time!!!
I don’t know enough about Obamacare to decide whether it’s good or bad. I do know that a bad implementation of a good idea doesn’t make the idea itself bad. Providing every person with basic healthcare is a good idea, which requires a good implementation.
Ever noticed how your social security checks are now called “FEDERAL BENEFIT PAYMENTS?” IT’S BECAUSE THEY’RE FUCKING BROKE. Medicare – BROKE. Medicaid – BROKE. Postal service – FUCKING BROKE. NO, I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR SHIT-ASS OBAMACARE. I WILL NOT ENTRUST MY HEALTH AND LIFE TO YOU. You can not even manage a fucking checkbook, congress. HALF OF FUCKING CONGRESS OWES BACK TAX MONEY TO THE IRS.
If I have my own healthcare why should I have to pay yours too. Obamacare is horrible. It will kill medical innovation! It won’t get rid of private healthcare so anyone using it will have to wait weeks for doctor visits and months for surgery, while private healthcare will become even farther out of reach for the middle class! Why provide employees with healthcare when the government has crapy healthcare for them already?
REPUBLICANS!!!! were the first to promote individual mandate and REQUIRING ALL AMERICANS!!! to have health insurance
Obamacare is a REPUBLICAN BILL!!!
Sen. J. Chafee in 93′ w/ Bob Dole set up a Senate REPUBLICAN Healthcare task force. Sec. 1501:Required that all American have health insurance. Sec 5000A: pay a tax penalty if they violated 1501. Basically…The individual mandate! Newt Gingrich supported it! The Heriage Foundation led by Stuart Butler (Romney said he wish he could bring him back to life) stated that EVERYONE should be REQUIRED to have health insurance.But let a black Democrat named Obama put the same thing forward; SOCIALIST!
Sen. J. Chafee in 93′ w/ Bob Dole set up a Senate REPUBLICAN Healthcare task force. Sec. 1501:Required that all American have health insurance. Sec 5000A: pay a tax penalty if they violated 1501. Basically…The individual mandate! Newt Gingrich supported it! The Heriage Foundation led by Stuart Butler (Romney said he wish he could bring him back to life) stated that EVERYONE should be REQUIRED to have health insurance.But let a black Democrat named Obama put the same thing forward; SOCIALIST!
Wow, that was ignorant.
Sen. J. Chafee in 93′ w/ Bob Dole set up a Senate REPUBLICAN Healthcare task force. Sec. 1501:Required that all American have health insurance. Sec 5000A: pay a tax penalty if they violated 1501. Basically…The individual mandate! Newt Gingrich supported it! The Heriage Foundation led by Stuart Butler (Romney said he wish he could bring him back to life) stated that EVERYONE should be REQUIRED to have health insurance.But let a black Democrat named Obama put the same thing forward; SOCIALIST!
Romneycare has 62% approval in Massachusetts …. which means that Obamacare would have the same success if the GOP didn’t lie about the advantages.
– If you are insured you don’t have to pay anymore for the hospital emergency of uninsured
– No more pre-existing conditions.
– keep your family health care till the age of 26
– You do not loose health acre coverage if you loose a job.
It can’t work here. but I don’t like the term Obama Care it is the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act. Repeal it. I don’t agree with and am not a republican either.
I know you didn’t come up with the term Obama care. Think about it Medicare Medicaid and Social Security. It would never work because noone wants to pay.
I say stop it now! I take five medications a day to stay alive and as much as I want guareented healthcare, I know it won’t work.
Anti-whites are flooding ALL white countries and ONLY white countries with non-whites, and legally forcing whites to integrate with them so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence.
That’s genocide by U.N. definition.
Fight white genocide. It’s the right thing to do.
Glad to see Obama’s Nigger care get upheld.
This video is ridiculous. Obamacare does not fully take effect until 2014. Health care inflation has slowed dramatically the past 2 years. Premiums are higher because healthy unemployed people have dropped their policies and now health insurance companies have to raise taxes on policy holders who remain.
come on guys stop with the ads and start with the facts guys this hasn’t even taken effect it was approved one day ago and the bill is only 994pgs long…..lets have a un-finance convo on this shit make it understandable and compare it to be honest any change to our health plan can’t be too bad considering we are ranked so low in the world
I swear to God, would you bigotted assholes please KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!! The provisions in the bill go into effect in a progressive time line, the majority of it will take place in 2014, along with smaller provisions in the years afterward. This was done to
A)Give PLENTY of time for Republicans to try & reverse it, while making fools out of themselves & brainwashing morons like you.
B)To allow the Health Insurance, hospitals, ect. enough time to adapt to the new regulations
I would believe this ad if the “broken promise” responses weren’t from fox news.
Open your eyes America, this are scare tactics from republicans and big money.
The question is “Who owns my time?” The meat puppets in DC and the shiesters behind the scenes all think that I am the “Property of the State” as do the rest of the Parasite Soviet Socialists out there. The only way the scum can enforce this BS is with a GUN to your face and a KNIFE to your back. The Obummer TSA is THE example of the medical “Big Brother Love” we are going to see. Vote with your wallet and buy more ammo and mags. Watch the latest vid on Libertytreeradio and share. MGK/GDW!
WARNING : Many employers are switching their employees insurance over to medical tourism programs in order to afford the obamacare mandates.
Now you can get your medical treatment by unqualified doctors in 3rd world countries. Spreading the wealth ! NBC news is knowingly promoting a negligent medical tourism dentist to Americans ! No joke ! click on my channel and watch my video on what NBC news is promoting and hiding from you. Share the video !
Why don’t you cry about it fatty.
Wow so they’re promoting it and hiding it, you’d have to be schizophrenic to see it.
That’s because you’re an ignorant provincial dunce.
yup… I can’t wait until 2014 when these idiots don’t have shit to say anymore
Does anybody else who is actually informed and educated regarding Obamacare find this video to be extremely misleading…..????
It is unjust to make me pay anybody’s gears of adult entertainments like condom and contraceptives. It is ObamaShit. What is the logic that men fucking men and women fucking women is a pride? The president is got a pile of shit in his head.
Not to mention to pay someone to kill their baby. I am sick and tired of this bitch. Isn’t health care to safe lives?
lol Nothing says freedom and limited government better than a government run mandatory healthcare insurance plan. I don’t want it but I’m going to be forced to buy into it. It’s just a shame that none of these laws and policies, held against the constitution, are completely illegal.
Go to factcheck (dot) com if you want actual investigation instead of bad video editing effects and rhetoric.
It’s not government-run. And it’s not unconstitutional, either. Don’t you watch the news?
Ok if it isn’t government run, who implements Obamacare then? And yes it is unconstitutional because it’s a mandate requiring me to buy health insurance. Don’t you read the Constitution?
Obamacare is not a health insurance plan, much less one that is government-run. Please, do some research. You are getting this shit REALLY wrong.
Also, the law was found constitutional on the grounds that it falls under congress’s ability to tax. I know you may not like that, but when the SC says it’s constitutional, that’s all there is to it. (HINT: You could learn this by reading the Constitution)
Didn’t say it was health insurance, it is however a mandate requiring me to buy it. Plus it will allow the federal gov to keep a database on US citizens, the whole reason why Bush’s “Real ID” act was shot down in the first place. We have a right to personal freedom and limited government and nothing more. Just because Obamacare was classified as a tax doesn’t make it constitutional. It’s a sad day when a US citizen is willing to trust an overpowered government and forget the constitution.
You initially referred to Obamacare as “a government run mandatory healthcare insurance plan.” If that’s not what you meant to say, then you chose your words very poorly.
Thats exactly what it is. It’s a mandate by the federal government for me to buy health insurance and to have my records in a database. Obamacare is going to drive up the cost of private sector insurance, making everyone below the poverty line even more dependent on the government. If you think the government’s job is to take care of you from cradle to grave, you deserve to have you freedoms taken away.
You don’t need Fox News to tell you anything..perhaps doing your own research instead of listening to the lame stream media. Medicare WAS cut and effective 1/1/12 monthly Medicare premiums INCREASED and services provided DECREASED..I know, I am on Medicare! Medicare Advantage will no longer exist 1/1/13…Who is trying to throw grandma and the disabled off the cliff? The Democrats!
The ONLY reason SCOTUS declared it “Constitutional” is because the Solicitor General argued it was a “tax” not a penalty. Remember, the American people were PROMISED that it was NOT A TAX! Even today the democrats are trying to change the terminology. If it’s NOT a tax..then it would be unConstitutional! ..You can’t have it both ways!
Wait..I thought Obama wanted to stop those greedy insurance companies?? THIS LAW has rounded up MILLIONS of FORCED consumers for those greedy insurance companies…how ignorant can you liberals be??
Thanks for uploading this video. Is the affordable care act really affordable? See my home page video for an in depth analysis of the affordable care act.
I’m sorry you were mistaken, I’m not saying I am receiving information from Fox News. In fact, I concur with doing your own research. So if anyone needs to do their own research instead of listening to the lame stream media, it’s the NRSC. I’m sorry that the government as a whole, not Obama individually, has ruined your medicare. You may find a correlation between medicare cuts and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act but a correlation does not give us a cause and effect.
There is no true mandate requiring you to buy health insurance. You must, however, pay a financial cost if you don’t buy health insurance. That cost, by the way, is only a fraction of the cost of buying insurance… really more of a symbolic cost that anything else, so you are getting off easy if you don’t buy health insurance, especially considering that in taking that course you are shifting financial responsibility and risk from yourself to society as a whole.
lol I don’t trust the federal government with even more money to manage. Especially since we’re at about a 10 trillion dollar debt. Obamacare itself IS a type of health insurance because I pay money for a service, doesn’t matter if it’s government funded or private sector. In Obamacare’s case, I have no say so. Thats not my only concern though, under Obamacare, the federal government can start building a database on US citizens that Bush’s Real ID act was supposed to accomplish.
Will Not Work
Obamacare will be just like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans’ Hospitals, Amtrak, Ginnie Mae, US Postal Service, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Government run programs do not work for long and will cost much more than planned.
The government knows how to waste money the best simply because they do not have to turn a profit.
You still want the government to run health care?
Small business owner with 20 employees told me she got $6000 rebate from her insurance company for overpayment. She proudly said she was able with that money to pay her employees share of their coverage for them…..and for the first time in 10 years her new premiums went down instead of up.
My 40 yr old son, pre-existing condition, lost job w/insurance3 yrs ago. Has another job, but it has no insurance there &after checking 3 companies, quotes of $1200-$1600mo & very high deductible,but all three “excluded” his acute pancreatitis & high blood pressure. Now covered by ObamaCare, has an affordable monthly payment of $188 mo +$25 copays,and RX plan so he can get the medications that keep him out of the hospital and working.Kept same doctors,has seen specialists, had MRI, blood tests.