#Occupy Black Friday: Wal-Mart, Corporations, Profit, Capitalism= Bad; Obamacare Great

www.usofarn.com all copyrights reserved. November 23, 2012 Rockford, Illinois. Members of Occupy Rockford protest Black Friday and Wal-Mart and get challenged by this Tea Party activist and conservative political blogger about their views. They say Wal-Mart is bad for selling Chinese made products but don’t want to acknowledge that products are made overseas compared to the United States because of taxes, regulations, and the cost of labor. One Occupier went so far as to say that Obamacare was the greatest thing to happen in years and wished that Obamacare went farther, as in single payer socialized medicine. Another kept saying that Corporations, profit, and capitalism were bad, to which I informed him about the late great economist Milton Friedman. These Occupiers just couldn’t seem to grasp the concept that no one is force to apply at, accept job offers from, work at, or stay at Wal-Mart let alone that the people are free to shop at any store they want(and there are literally a hundred stores along East State Street in Rockford, and even more in other parts of the city(Illinois’ 3rd largest). They simply just don’t understand economics. Sorry for the poor audio quality at points it was very windy.

8 thoughts on “#Occupy Black Friday: Wal-Mart, Corporations, Profit, Capitalism= Bad; Obamacare Great

  1. hitcharide1

    Wal-mart is only despised because unions haven’t found a way to suck the lifeblood out of them as well. They look at it as billions in dues, which they can pay themselves (big labor) plus donate to democrat/lib candidates..the never ending circle of pork, kickback and cronyism. Lots of talk about how they care about the common man, yet everything they do increases the power of gov’t, decreases the power of the individual, and “redistributes” the way they see fit. Fuck ’em all.

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