Q & A: What do I think about Obama National Healthcare? Enslaves citizens supports failing $ system 😉 safearmsreview SAR Obamacare National Heathcare debt supports fiat money system enslaves citizens
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5 stars, well said friend
Steve – good to see you back with a vid. I agree with your assessment. This plan furthers the loss of our freedom and liberty while adding to the burden of heavy entitlements that will be hard to reverse. Some components of the plan are worrisome regarding privacy issues. I am also concerned the issuance of a “National Health” card. In time the insurance companies will not be able to stay in business which will pave the way for a single payor system by the government.
I don’t get how anybody thinks this is national healthcare. It’s simply a bailout for private insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
I think it’s a crazed power grab on the part of the government.
Have you been following the FBI raids on the Ohio and Michigan Militias happening over the weekend?
If so, what is your take on it?
I am concerned that they are disarming the militias (otherwise known as citizens).
Profit Maximization!
Profit Maximization!
Profit Maximization!
Profit Maximization!
thats what they chant in the business world today
The feds claim that militia members were “selling pipe bombs”. Probably in the same way they claimed Randy Weaver sold them sawed off shotguns.
Total BS and smoke screen. Hide your weapons now.
300mil in the US
They regulate us by threat of and action of force, so if you are going to regulate them, then we all had better be ready to do it by force.
A national sales tax would also get revenue from illegal industries that dont pay income tax such as drugs and illegal laborers
Obama said he was going to fundamentaly transform the nation….and by God he is going to do it for the corporate elite. He could care less if you have to pay for the crackheads health. They don’t want to hear us bitching, they just want our damn money. Pay up or shut up. That shoud be their motto now.
This is a Facist Transformation. We have no fair choice here. Get ready for slavery or chaos.
I remember when obama said he was about wealth distribution – of course we see its not for the betterment of citizens but rather to their detriment.
yes lets dump obama and anyone else who misuses their position to enslave citizens & take away their freedoms.
If you have insurance now, you already pay for other peoples health or lack of health. That particular point of yours is pointless, no matter how kind your voice is.
Just look at all the so-called Christians who voted for this socialist. Abortion and homosexual agenda.
Vote them all out (except Ron Paul).
Pray for Obama… Psalm 109:8 Let his days be few, and let another take his office.
I knew Obama was no good news.
We should’ve voted for Mccain
EXACTLY WITH WHAT YOU MEAN BY “We have to pay for someone else’s problems”
But this is turning into something like communes.
seriously, all our hard earned money goes to jackholes.
Basically If i am an CEO, and the other guy is a toilet cleaner. I work full time for my money and say most of it goes to him where he works part timely!!!!!!
Obama, Obama……
We made such a wrong choice.
It is too simplistic to say that those in need of health care are responsible for their situation. What about those with breast cancer, through no fault of their own? etc etc.
Stick to guns, Buddy. You can’t only pave the road in front of your house. While you might have to pay for a few crackheads healthcare, my rates are up due to over eaters high rates of heart attacks. And we could always do away with guns to keep the emergency room cost down from accidental and on purpose shootings. I’m being a bit sarcastic on the gun part.
Great vid, Steve!
Couldn’t have said it better…
Term limits! YES!! ONE YEAR!!! MAX!!! Even for the President!…However, ONE STRIKE and you’re out, works better for me.
What Obama has done with this Health Care bill is pure tyranny! …yeah, we got “CHANGE” all right…
Our representatives could give a rat’s ass about “we the people”. The entire Gov’t sucks…Repub’s, Dem’s…all of them!
The Constitution has been tossed under the bus.
. Pray for Obama Psalm 109:8 May his days be few; may another take his office!
Obamas citizenship needs looked into with a fine toothed comb and once the truth is found that he is indeed a non natural born citizen with the fake Hawaii birth certificate, then everything he signs is invalid.Too much evidence does suggest he was born in fact in KENYA. Even his grandparents said so as well as Kenya has a place marked where is birth was and is proud of this.
our government has failed everyone of us. Obama said war wounded should have to pay for their own injuries because they volunteered to serve and its not governments problem that they got hurt defending freedom.
“There has never been a golden age of liberty, and there never will be. People who value freedom will always have to defend it from those who claim the right to wield power over others.” – David Boaz
Affordable health care for people who through no fault of their own can not afford it should be a priority for a very rich, christian country. ;-]
Very good video Steve. Agree 100%. Everyday we go farther and farther away from the Constitution. Nothing good can come from this HC bill.
I guess its easier to scream racisim that to listen to someones opinions. This healthcare crap has screwed everyone. Even people on the left are pissed that there is NO “Public Option” that may have helped the poor. Instead Obama actually gave insurance companies more power to screw people. He had potential to do great things but instead what we got was a couple nice changes and one swift kick in the ass.
So what are you saying? Only n****** smoke crack? . . . . . Oh, that’s right, a cracker only does meth while sitting around their trailer park.
You are RIGHT. Now if we can use those same exact techniques to outlaw private gun ownership. I am with you BRO…
What are you doing to outlaw gun ownership?
100% agree Steve. Great video. Spoken with an educated voice. I was hoping Obama would really focus hard on pushing for an end to the war(s) – Afghanistan & Iraq. Then, he goes and sends more troops over there. I’m still waiting on that “change” he talked about. Aside from this failing healthcare plan.
lol you country people do realize you’re only preaching to other “Backwards” people right?…… Regardless of your false beliefs most of Americans live in cities and most Americans in cities dont think like you… maybe you should try rising the “south” again…
The change I believe that Obama is proposing is the wrong kind of change. He never really expressed what kind of change we would see. And I agree with this guy because I don’t want to have to support someone who has made horrible decisions with their health. It’s my money and I should be able to do whatever the heck I please with it.
You think its bad now, just waite until they give all the elegal alians citizenship.When that happens the whole country will be in the same mess as califonia.
I do agree that the government doesn’t have that much money to support this reform and that this may also be for the public image, but I have to disagree on some of your points. a LOT of healthy, innocent people are victims of the economy and lose their jobs and coverage (i.e. me; I am college educated and worked a Fortune 500 job and had coverage from my job until I got laid off last month). There may be abusers but there are more people who need it while getting back on their feet
its all about power, they are pushing closer and closer to socialism
i agree with you 100%
Could you link reputable source of that quote?
Economically speaking, US is more communist than China…
Great video. I just can’t stand the ignorance posted below…
Fact: National health care works in every other major civilized country, and it works very well. Just ask anyone from England, Canada, France, Austria etc.
Fact: The three trillion plus dollars we wasted in a Soviet style take over of Iraq could have provided health care for everyone in this country for over a hundred years.
Leave economics to the economists or get a degree and join them. Get educated people or just shut-up.
Do you think that’s it unconstitutional for your taxes to pay for the education of America’s youth if they don’t want that education or try to excel at school?
U r so rite!
The first rule of getting out of debt is to STOP SPENDING recklessly.
Also, if something sounds too good to be true, IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
But Demo and Repubo supporters (aka TV viewers) don’t want to open their eyes and admit that their heroes were just milking us to keep them in power and raise our taxes to support our recklessly spending government which has been controlled by the bankers and by Israel.
We need to keep making this knowledge open to the sleeping peeps.
It’s a little something called taking care of our own
i live in Australia and we have free health care hear yes the working people pay levy to run medicare but i was born with bone disease that i need painkillers for with Medicare me painkillers cause $5.60c with out cost $60 so if i lived in usa u saying it my fault for being born i should pay for them??,
well tell that to right to life groups that don’t want abortions cause i didn’t chose to be born but i do need medical help
other wise i like ur vids keep them comeing 🙂
I was going to post a great respond but I got carried away and went over 950 characters. Now I know why video responds are better. Well I just wanted to say thumbs up and great videos. Peace and God bless.