Rush Limbaugh’s Revenge

HEY, READ THIS! Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed today’s episode! Today’s stories include: Limbaugh Won’t Forgive Advertisers: Rush Limbaugh: “They thought I was finished”: Fluke and HBO’s PR firm tied directly to Obama: Game Change ratings falls short of Sarah Palin’s Alaska: MSNBC screws up US geography: Obama Promises Obamacare will cost $900 billion: CBO says the real cost is $1.76 trillion: Obamacare headed to the Supreme Court: Scientists attempt to bring Wooly Mammoth back to life: Thanks so much for watching! Please comment, rate, and share with your friends! And if you haven’t already, please subscribe for weekly videos! –State of Daniel

49 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh’s Revenge

  1. stateofdaniel

    Awesome! 🙂 Thanks, so glad you liked it!

    I think your right and that it’ll be ruled unconstitutional. And even if only part of it is struck down, that should be enough to derail the entire thing…and hopefully Obama’s chances at reelection since this was his crowning achievement!!!

  2. stateofdaniel

    Good point. It’s impossible to predict, especially since so many things aren’t being run like they should be…but we can always hope for the best!

  3. stateofdaniel

    I think you nailed it right on the head! Things have changed in politics, especially with the “new media” to call out tactics from the left! Hopefully his approval ratings will continue to turn to prevent him from getting re-elected!

  4. stateofdaniel

    Haha thanks! And please don’t! Everyone has the right to free speech and speaking! I’m sure you could communicate just as good or even better than I can! I’m just trying to be entertaining while factual. Anyways, thanks for the compliment! Hope all is well! And like I said, don’t ever shut your mouth! We need more people like you to be talking!!! 🙂

  5. stateofdaniel

    I really resonated with your last statement: “I simply don’t trust any of them.” Have you heard of/read the recent book called “Throw Them All Out?”

  6. stateofdaniel

    Awesome! Thanks so much! Glad you were able to find the channel that way and I’m also thrilled that you enjoy my videos! Thanks again and I hope to see more comments from you in the future! 😉 Hope all is well!

  7. stateofdaniel

    Awesome! Thanks for the kind comment and for subscribing! Your words were definitely very encouraging and I’m glad you liked the impersonation of a goldfish haha! Anyways, thanks again and I hope to see more comments from you in the future! Hope all is going well and have a great day! 🙂

  8. stateofdaniel

    Thanks so much! Glad you enjoy the videos! And as proud as my parents might be, I’m even more proud to call them my parents! Anyways, hope all is going well and thanks again!

  9. stateofdaniel

    You’re exactly right and I hope the Supreme Court doesn’t try to play politics and sees ObamaCare and it’s mandates for what they are!

  10. stateofdaniel

    Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see what happens next. “Diamond encrusted” …. haha, I love your sense of humor! But seriously, though, you do raise a good point!

  11. stateofdaniel

    Thanks! 🙂 I’m glad you liked the video and thanks so much for the subscription! It really does mean a lot! Hope to see more comments from you in the future! Thanks again and I hope all is going well!

  12. stateofdaniel

    I agree, but I think that even if they just strike down the individual mandate, it may spark more momentum to get the whole law repealed, but who knows… It’ll be interesting to see what happens!

  13. AcidReflux27

    If people don’t work and support their own systems, such as a health system, then the state will step in and create a framework for the people to support themselves. The problem is exactly what you mentioned. There is too much paperwork because there are too many people and not enough resources to supply these people. This is why Socialism, Marxism, and Communism always fail. On the other hand, no government leads to chaos, and this is where Anarchy fails.

  14. stateofdaniel

    I would stop health care fraud (including frivolous law suits that cause high malpractice insurance rates), switch over to an electronic based system, reform taxes on the health system, create a health based system and promote preventative care (obesity can be prevented and obesity-related diseases drain billions from the health industry, invest in research, make insurances available across state lines, and fix all the insurance issues about “pre-existing conditions.”

  15. MaxxTheMerciless

    You know, all of this is a solid reminder to me that we need to be real Citizens in the truest sense of the word. As such, I’ve taken to task to be present in my own local community for council meetings and such in the mystical realm of Portlandia. We can’t be passive anymore. We have to hold these people’s feet to the fire and inform everyone of what’s going on wherever we can report, local, state, or federal. The enemy counts on our absence, and our apathy.

  16. vixenchild333

    @stateofdaniel yeah apparently she’s having sex like thirty times a week. I doubt she’s just sleeping with one guy if she’s having that much sex I once did it six times in one day and my boyfriend was like a zombie the rest of the week. She has to be doing it 4 times for 5 days and 5 times for two days. I don’t think a guy could do even that and I know they couldn’t do it two weeks in a row. So rush was probably right calling her a slut.

  17. SeaWolfe59

    Im glad to see a young man so effectively representing the Conservative view point. Keep up the good fight. I’ll stay tuned and chime in here and there.

  18. redeemedwench

    re: question of the week. I am somewhat pessimistic about the outcome of it hitting the Supreme Court. Remember the 2 justices Obama appointed? *sigh*


    I think the government should have a defined role in the issue of Healthcare. However, keep in mind that I do not favor Obama’s Healthcare plan.


    I would say that Obama had the right intentions when the bill was passed but its the provisions in the bill and the way the bill was passed that I disapprove of. If I were President right now I would hold a National Forum and bring together experts with different backgrounds to create incentives and solutions to improve the lives of Americans when it comes to Healthcare.

  21. aliblancd

    I think that Obama was purposefully trying to mislead. Obama is very sneaky. He is constantly trying to mislead in one way or another. & the worst thing is that so many people are taken in by it! lol

  22. fiveinslide6

    I am completely behind Sandra Fluke and the women she’s standing up for.
    Georgetown girls are like public toilets;
    Nobody should have to pay to use them.
    They should be publicly maintained.
    Yes We Can!
    Change We Can Believe In!!
    Go Sandra!!!

  23. Hexdoll

    please list other advertisers besides sleeptrain that wants back on Limbaugh show, otherwise to use the word “many” is a lie….I am sure you just read or heard that and regurgitated it….but representing other peoples lies as truth still makes you a liar….

    so please provide a list so people will know you are being truthful.

  24. stateofdaniel

    So whenever you don’t like the truth, you call it a lie — lovely tactic. Not only do I link to sources and stories in the description of my video, but this lovely invention called Google would allow you to search for the answer to your question instead of asking it of me in a jab.

  25. Hexdoll

    well it seems your link source only discusses one advertiser Sleep Train was in reconsideration of advertising on Limbough’s show. Yet you said “many” and I see no evidence of that. So if you have evidence of many then I will take it as many…but otherwise I have to assume you made it up.

  26. Rachael O

    @stateofdaniel I don’t give a shit about rush’s advertisers. Why are you talking about loyalty to him? He really messed up. Nobody deserves to be called a slut, liberal or conservative, obama backed or not. If this was sarah palin being called some misogynistic slur it would be a BFD to you and me. So remind me why you seem to be rooting for rush?

  27. LadyD2r

    Didn’t you listen when he said that the sources were listed…Oh, that’s right, not used to people who can back up statements with FACTS. Sad product of the US Department of Education. Mr. Dewey would be proud. Oh, forgot, you wouldn’t know who Dewey was. Pitiful.

  28. LadyD2r

    Good going Daniel. Proud of you. Wish I’d been half as smart when I was your age. If my generation had done its job when it should have, you wouldn’t have to be fighting this battle. Glad to be in it with you though.

  29. stateofdaniel

    Thanks so much, @LadyD2r! I truly appreciate and am glad to be in this together! And no need to point fingers at the past! What’s done is done and we should just focus on the issues facing us at the present! After all, it was the generations before mine that made America great!

  30. Hexdoll

    Did you look at the source that would back up his claim…..there is one advertiser mentioned in the article, not MANY. You are very very stupid much so , you are too stupid to know you are stupid. Maybe you should realize you are stupid and work on your reading comprehension skills

  31. Keith Hughes

    I’m sure you future daughters are happy your doing this, maybe one day he’ll get to call them whores and sluts. Why the compelling nation to defend everything the right does? Your own bias must be blinding, I had to wear shades. If you think liberals are hell bent at destroying your freedom, then its too late for you, you drank the kool aid. Unfortunately for political discourse and common sense you are now distributing it.

  32. GarlicPudding

    “Lost the value of loyalty”?

    It’s not disloyalty, it’s good business sense. Staying on with Rush at the height of the controversy over his remarks about Ms. Fluke (which were borderline slander, IMO) would have been PR poison.
    They were planning on coming back when the whole thing blew over anyway; again, it’s just good business sense.

    Turning this into some rant about hoe we don’t value loyalty or some flap is just naive.

  33. GarlicPudding

    Oh, and the comparison of “Game Change” vs. “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” is disingenuous.

    You failed to mention the rating for the latter, at all. Alright, so a lot of people like “Game Change”. Well, what do they think of “Alaska”?

    And, the bragging about audiences was misleading. One is a movie premiere, the other is on multiple times a week.
    (And the PR company for them also working with Fluke? That’s just a coincidence; don’t try to make connections where there aren’t any).

  34. MrGermargermarfr

    Hey Daniel, Good job kiddo. I loved your video on Rush Limbaugh’s Revenge. I wish Rush would list the advertisers who dropped out because of the pressure put on them by the left. Doing so would show them how much business they will lose because of the pressure we Conservatives will put on them when we stop buying their products. That’ll teach them.

  35. EddieEJ101

    rush recently said it was a conspiracy that bane who’s the villain in the new batman movie, was chosen to criticize the company that Romney owned, how crazy is he? how can anyone take the man serious

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