50 thoughts on “The Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies

  1. michael moran

    look up medieval warm period, potholer54, he explains most the things I would bring up in this chat, and was this not a propaganda video then, some randomer making two cats talk to each other with the only “evidence” being based on feeling?

  2. michael moran

    I know he has an agenda, the point is that I am using the video to get my side of the argument out, if you showed me a monckton video I would argue against all the points he made, show me the same respect.

  3. utubespaamdetector

    just go to the paper i pointed you at the kobashi one first i have no interest dredging up potholers convoluted arguments when papers are there that directly refute his position

  4. michael moran

    Does it not support the climate change hypothesis that the industrial revolution and the time that the greenland ice begins to heat up again are at the same time?

  5. utubespaamdetector

    it also correlates with the vulcanisation process of rubber are you suggesting that might be significant too? the basic tenet is that the ”unprecedented warming” argument is tosh.

  6. michael moran

    do you have any other sources, preferably a source that is easier to find, and perhapa point out the exact data point and the conclusion you derive from it? Also is anyone arguing rubber causes global warming, there is at least evidence for the coralation I made

  7. utubespaamdetector

    causation and correlation are not the same ..the rubber quip was to highlight the ridiculousness of the guilty by association trick

  8. michael moran

    guilt by association? whaaa? But you misunderstand that fallacy, its a fallacy when you dont explain why one caused the other, my reason is that co2 traps radiation from the sun and seeing both increase shows this. Now I will ask again for some more papers.

  9. utubespaamdetector

    swiss alpine glaciers are giving up artifacts deposited before the glaciers were formed hardly an indication that the present is unprecedented

  10. utubespaamdetector

    Holocene climate conditions in central Yakutia (Eastern Siberia) inferred from sediment composition and fossil chironomids of Lake Temje
    Larisa Nazarova

  11. michael moran

    People have jumped off of buildings in the past, therefore, nothing bad would happen if I jumped off a building now, the climate has changed dramatically in the past and a lot are known for being extinction events. You have given me these papers about wildly varying ice and it’s been hot in the past, but what you don’t provide is evidence that man made emissions do not function as a greenhouse gas.

  12. utubespaamdetector

    Observations of increasing Carbon Dioxide concentration in Earth’s Thermosphere.
    Emmert et al
    Carbon Dioxide occurs naturally throughout the Earth’s atmosphere. In the Thermosphere, CO2 is the PRIMARY radiative cooling agent and fundamentally affects the energy balance and temperature of the this high-altitude atmospheric layer.

  13. utubespaamdetector

    “According to NASA Science News, ” the solar storms of March 8th through 10th dumped enough energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere to power every residence in New York City for two years.” Except we can’t harvest that energy.

    “For the three day period, March 8th through 10th, the thermosphere absorbed 26 billion kWh of energy. Infrared radiation from CO2 and NO, the two most efficient coolants in the thermosphere, re-radiated 95% of that total back into space”

  14. utubespaamdetector

    HADCRUT4 has warming at 0.03 D/C per decade ± 0.163 D/C margin of error way in excess of their declared warming/cooling it appears as if co2 is a very poor ghg seeing as the level is higher than it has been since the 1800’s

  15. Samaritan Sentinel

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  16. mafarmerga

    Global temperature change is not what should worry you. It is ocean acidification that is really going to screw things up before the temperature change gets us.
    CO2 levels are at the highest point in 400,000 years. The increase above 275 ppm to 400 ppm is due solely to human activity (fossil fuel use). CO2 plus H2O creates carbonic acid, which leads to a drop in average ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.1 and dropping fast. If we don’t stop the rise in CO2 soon, we are screwed.

  17. LibertarianNexus

    mafar– As the Gloooooobal Waaaarming hoax goes down in flames, the die-hard cultists now wish to change their narrative to “ocean acidification” LOL!!!! For 100’s of millions of yrs, atmospheric CO2 was over 3,000ppm and the damn oceans were STILL alkaline and STILL thriving with life. find a new hoax because this turkey is well done. BING!

  18. why760nitro

    how about that global warming …………..where is it earth temp steady for 15 years somebody tell AL gore to STFU oh you want me to cite sources LOL your a sicko liberal ,Google it losers

  19. mafarmerga

    I know we have been down this road before but it is important for those who stumble upon this bit of dreck you call a video to know just how misinformed and foolish you are.

    A solution does not have to be below pH 7.0 to be acidified, it only has to decrease in pH. This is happening so quickly to oceans (geologic time frame) due to manmade CO2 that pteropods are dying in southern oceans, oysters cannot reproduce in Washington State and mussels are coming free from rocks in New England.

  20. mafarmerga

    Wow. Utubespammaker !!
    That is the best retort you can come back with?
    Try countering my arguments with some facts.
    Oh wait, that’s right you don’t have any. Name calling and rhetoric are your only true friends.

  21. utubespaamdetector

    acidification of the oceans lol that is so last years colour funny how marine aquaria are kept at lower PH than the oceans are at present ….. nobody has told the clown fish yet how fitting …. perhaps you’ll get a telegram you slow fool.

  22. mafarmerga

    Ah yes, the ad hominem attacks of those who have no real knowledge of the subject they pretend to be experts of.
    Tell me, what did I say about how decreasing ocean pH is negatively effecting pteropods, oysters, and mussels that is not true? Can you offer ANYTHING in the way of valid refuting data? Your anecdotes about home aquaria are not very convincing. Show me that I am wrong about pteropods, oysters, and mussels and I’ll shut up.

  23. mafarmerga

    “Ocean acidification leaves clownfish deaf to predators.

    New research from the University of Bristol demonstrates that ocean acidification could threaten this crucial behavior…over half of all the CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels has been absorbed by the ocean, making pH drop faster than any time in the last 650,000 years…Recent studies have shown that this causes fish to lose their sense of smell, but a study published in Biology Letters shows that fish hearing is also compromised.

  24. mafarmerga


    ‘Ocean acidification erodes crucial auditory behaviour in a marine fish’ by Steve Simpson, Philip Munday, Matt Wittenrich, Rachel Manassa, Danielle Dixson, Monica Gagliano and Hong Yan in Biology Letters. 2011.

  25. Griezz

    Just a thought; while it is true that opening umbrellas does not cause it to rain, a rain storm does cause people to open umbrellas. In other words, there IS a causal link, even if you distort which element is “cause” and which is “effect”.
    Another thought: while only 7% of CO2 levels may be traced directly to human sources, that does not necessarily mean that levels are not reached which could cause effects in the ecosystem as a whole.

  26. vanirex

    rain -> umbrella raising, temperature rising -> CO2 increase = the distortion is between your ears. Is the ground hard because you wear shoes? Do you have sex because you wear a condom? Do you shit because you want to flush a toilet? Are you stupid because you vote democrat? lol, couldn’t resist that last one, sorry…

  27. macinz1230

    Hay yous skeptical cyunts, I jus read below that Nemo’s ears gets fucked up by CO2 and shit. Thats not cool man. You cyunts better stop breathing out and shit and making Nemo easier to find and junk.

  28. macinz1230

    I jus read this project and crap sayin thats true and shit, I hope yous skeptical cyuntsfeelin guitly about fucking up Nemos shit mofuckers.

  29. macinz1230

    Make no mistake mofuckerz, this global warmin shit is REEAAL. Ive been smokin and batin all day so im a fuckin AUTHOHITAH on this shiit bruz.

  30. macinz1230

    Check out this man, I was all like watching tv and shit, there was this old dude sayin about how all this smoke and crap we are breathing out was fuckin up these fish and trees and junk. And this cyunt was old as and also on tv man so I believe him for sure. And then I was all like fuck man we shoud do sumthing bro!!! So I put the bong down.

  31. macinz1230

    Fuckin scope this out mofoz, my missus toled me that this dude Al Gore is like SUPER cool and smart bro like a fuckin GOD. And this dude sez that we are all in heaps of troible and shit cos the sea has gone all acid and shit, and fucked all these fishez hearin and shit. and this guy sez that its all our fault!! Any cunt who dosent believe in this shit iz a total dumbass ay. Okay gota go my bros have gotta kegger on for my 40th, laterz fuckeerrs.

  32. utubespaamdetector

    i am totally with you man i have a reef tank with a dozen clown fish …all called nemo coz they all look the same anyway i inadvertently let the Ph slip below 8.2 last week and since doing that my clowns have either gotten all bolshy or have gone totally deaf..they used to sit to the click and whistle on command but now they just look at me in a gormless fashion blowing fucking bubbles..god i hate this acid shit its fucked up my whole life i want to grab a denier and rape his ass… appy b/day.

  33. macinz1230

    Faaark man I also have experienced acid deafness and also my friend my pet pine tree bruce also experienced that shit, no matter how hard I hugged the cunt, his leaves went first red (the colour of danger) then yellow (the colour of a life raft and shit) I think its mother earth sayin help me help me im dyin of acid carbon and crap

  34. mafarmerga

    “i am converted dude see my post i have experienced this acid deafness first hand …it aint funny.”

    Like most people who comment on this topic I seriously doubt you have read any primary research papers, let alone the one I sent you that demonstrates olfactory and auditory problems in clown fish when pH decreases to projected levels.
    I AM sorry that you seem to lack the ability to develop an informed opinion but that does not alter the data.

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