US Troops And Police Train For Martial Law And Gun Confiscation. 1

Alex Jones takes on a frightening tour of what is happening in small towns around America. They are preparing and training for martial law, weapons confiscation, and the subversion of the American people. More at:

47 thoughts on “US Troops And Police Train For Martial Law And Gun Confiscation. 1

  1. 2020wonderbred

    1:25 – “to minimize the amount of people that HAVE to be killed”
    1:45 – “idle time is the devil’s hands, right?”
    3:10 – “attention! attention! attention! due to the large number of people arriving, you will experience a short delay. Please remain calm and cooperative so that we can process you into the camp faster.”
    sounds familiar. how do you say that in German?

  2. Bill Otinger

    Our Government is Flying in Planes Loaded with DRUGS, see Barry Seals, Oliver North IRAN CONTRA, CIA=TATUM CHRONICLES, FBI=TED GUNTERSON, DETECTIVE=MIKE RUPPERT, Ruppert also Traced $100,000.00 sent from CIA to Pakistan then to Hollywood Florida to Terrorist ATTA, Bankers start Wars then Finance EachSide, Promote hate then Provide Means for Attack, see Documentary “FIAT EMPIRE”, Americans DRUGGED with a NEUROTOXIN in BRAINS, see Films at “FLUORIDEALERT”, take Magnesium yt=georgeeby, Pure Water

  3. Valperga70

    There are more veterans in the United States than active duty soldiers. What kills me is that people act like these kids in the military are all bad ass and a threat if misused. Who does everyone look to in the military? They look to the NCOs. Most people who finish an enlistment are at an NCO rank. Imagine a nation full of NCOs (veterans) with combat experience against an active military force. I am just amazed at the fear tactics used in this country on a daily basis in YouTube Videos.

  4. pandabelch

    SHIT! Why can’t I download this? Firefox Download Helper usually works but every time I try it says ‘0 bytes’ and acts like it’s done downloading. I want to get this before it’s taken down!!

  5. RichfromNH

    What’s sad is that if you stand up against forces trying to take your weapons, you and your family will be killed and the news will see that you were a terrorist cell and that you had explosives and yadayadayadayada…you will look like a criminal, not a freedom fighter…there is no winning if this ever happens…enough people would bow down and lick the hand that feeds them that those who want to keep our rights would lose our lives and our families… It happened after Katrina.

  6. savage495

    police like the idea of limiting “civilians” to a .58 Springfield, as long as they can equip themselves with a phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range.

  7. unit529

    yes its going to end up some group of Terrorists with AK 47s vs the milita with nerf guns…. the country is diging itself into its GRAVE. FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!!

  8. threepercenter03

    They’re indoctrinating our kids who will be our greatest assets for fighting the NWO…
    brain-wash our kids so there will be less resistance. DISGUSTING!!!
    Hey kids, watch us taze ur parents and take them away to camp, don’t cry, it’s homeland security, not a violation of constitutional rights.

  9. threepercenter03

    The cops and military who would turn on their own peers under orders of the NWO are the worst traitors and will be dealt with accordingly!!! Oath Keepers do ur job!!!

  10. 232323C

    thats probably 75 percent of them…Just look at cops now…whats the famous saying they use “we’re just doing our job”…like these guys…talking about shooting americans with their “sound wave gun and sticky gun and “down they go” they said “they try to “minimize” the amount of people that have to be killed”..I think that most will jsut take on that attitude to justify it….they will demonize people and call freedom fighters “terrorists…..they do it now…yes, keep it fre

  11. threepercenter03

    I grew up during the Cold War, served under Bush, have a few friends who are Nam vets, some of whom were cops and they all say the same thing; these cops today, the young rookies fresh out of fascist brain-washing boot camp are a scary bunch!!! I have never seen so much distrust of elected officials and so much fear of L.E. They no longer say “to serve and protect” because they don’t!!!

  12. daveme7

    Hateso much disinformation as I somewhat think maybe Alex Jones worksfor the Bush’s. Now, some of that other stuff-well we always trained on our own internally-stacks, eveyone knowing their position, lots of practice-crawl, walk, runinto live fires. Convoys, and believe it or not-almost every army unitdeploying to Iraq did quite a bit trainging on crowd control. You heard it here first-American military trains to go to war. U tell me, is there a better way to train for war?

  13. son0fdestiny

    No need to fight. What we need to do is get these videos on mainstream so everyone can see what’s going on so we can let the government know we are not going to allow violation of our second amendment

  14. anthonyontherocks

    Theres NOTHING patriotic about gun confiscation! These guys are training to be OATH BREAKERS! Wake up America! The American people are not your enemy! You have the right to refuse an unlawful order! Remember what happened to the Nazis during the Nuremberg trials? Following orders was not an excuse.
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  15. woekunup

    So, by this video date…they have had at least 3 years of training.
    The majority of US citizens have no idea what is coming…and how quick it will be.

  16. Nick Maresca

    Sad thing is Texas, California, Hawaii it doesn’t matter we would never comply with martial law .I heard there won’t be us shoulders but UN shoulders doing, US is just gonna train them and train in it.

  17. PatriotRadioMilitia

    Waco style staged attack on militia / prepper group coming soon they have to demonize gun owners as domestic terrorist , this gives them patriot act impunity .

    watch?v=zXmPyV0yz58 Obama police state 2013

  18. Libertytreeradio

    Look at all of those mobile resupply pods trying to kick in doors. The only good one is a dead one. Remember that you want to strip everything from their WARM DEAD bodies so you get all of that tax payer paid for cool junk to outfit another Militiaman. The punks that want to “try”to confiscate arms in ameriKa need to die and shall. If you are not prepared then follow behind those who are and we”l let you go through what we don’t keep. Liberty and 1775 is the answer. New vid on libertytreeradio.

  19. kipandjill1

    Good luck Chuck! How many of our boys do you really think will disarm their own people? Will not happen, orders or not. These men fight for our rights 2nd admin included. The sleeping giant is the American people not the government. Don’t wake us up.

  20. timm2020

    Our Government wants us all to be slaves.
    They do not want us to have the ability to defend ourselves.
    I am working on a film right now called “Treason, The End of Liberty”.
    If you would like more information on the film and find out how you can help.
    Visit Indie Go Go and search (Treason) you will find the information there.
    Let’s wake up the sheep to the truth.

  21. Patrick Cherry

    Yep they are getting ready America, you all better wake up. Very soon the roads will be closed, the phones and internet wont work, and your TV will only broadcast state run information telling you to stay in your homes and everything is OK. Then they will be kicking in your door or your neighbors door and dragging everyone who is a threat away! Or maybe they will just shoot them right there. What are you gonna do?

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