“What Difference Does It Make?” – aka “The Hillary Shuffle”

This seems kinda irritating!
Guess Hillary and Bill belong together.

More buzz- and tweet-worthy words Hillary Clinton has never spoken. In her Benghazi testimony to the Senate, she defiantly asked, “What difference does it ma…

9 thoughts on ““What Difference Does It Make?” – aka “The Hillary Shuffle”

  1. vehement252

    Your comment was made in jest? Well, then you should really work on getting better at jesting.

    And as for MY self-serving babble… I’m just trying to get you knuckleheads to realize that you’re full of shit. You guys don’t care about the truth. You care about hating Obama/Liberals/The Media/Secularism/Santa Claus… and the list goes on. You punks are just as bad as the knee-jerk lefites bitching about Bush 10 years ago.

    (FYI: Abbreviating three-letter words makes you look really smart.)

  2. vehement252

    Are you serious? I argue with “everybody” because “everybody” commenting here is wrong. But it’s nice to know that you’re so lacking in intellectual fortitude that you can’t allow someone to disagree with the nonsense posted here.

  3. Mirquella Santos

    I am sorry for their deaths. During Republican Reagan 240 Americans died in Beirut due to incompetence. 3000 Americans died in 911 because Republican Reagan arned Bin Ladden. Not to mention all the Americans and Iraquis that died because Busch wanted oil. Which one is less 3,240 or 4.

  4. mfzeeke

    she contradicted herself many time during that hearing, but when people die, instead of finding out why, hilary asked wht difference do those people make? hilary better not run for prez, shes worse than obama

  5. Red444October

    Muslim Totalitarianism. . The following authors and noted people are warning of this Muslim Islamic threat: . . Brigitte Gabriel. . Pamela Geller. . Robert Spencer. . David Horowitz. . Nonie Darwish. . Ayaan Hirsi Ali. . Raymond Ibrahim. . Jamie Glazov. . Walid Shoebat. . Bill Warner. . Eric Stakelbeck. . Glen Beck. . Mark Steyn. … Muslims feel they have the “master ideology”. They feel chosen by Allah to rule over the rest of us non-muslims.

  6. daisy8luke

    The tragedy on 9/11 was not perpetrated by weapons Reagan supplied to Bin Laden. It was perpetrated by people about whom Bill Clinton, a democratic president, was informed yet upon which he did not act.

  7. killjoy1001001

    Barry and Hillary ignored pleads for help, drew DOWN security instead, told special ops to “stand down”, watched Stevens and Co. die from the situation room, CONCOCTED a fictitious protest, blamed the killings on an American video as the blood soaked Islamist’s laughed. Hillary then looked the Steven’s family in the eye and said :
    “…indeed, I asked myself, how could this happen?”
    RIP Mr. Stevens
    We THE PEOPLE shall bring Hillary and Obama to justice

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